Monday, March 9, 2009

Thinking Ahead (Planning Ahead)

I desperately create
a less beautiful bond

rushing, rushing

for fear that loneliness
will crash the barrier
and engulf me.

Don't fret, my heart
I will not let go
as between the cracks
in our impenetrable grasp
I give up the part of us that
would have deceived.
I leaked it out
through our entwined fingers
along with my solitude.

Bereft, I crave you
as you stand
at your distance
meshing our hearts
seamlessly; willing them
unconsciously to beat in sync.

All the while
I fashion the reality where
the rest of me will take place.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Just a bit of nonsense to alleviate a nasty case of restlessness. A muse (the muse!) decided to make a surprise appearance, and of course that turned me inside-out-topsy-turvy. Oh, what delicious hell we create for ourselves, eh?

The glass beads looked nice
Until I saw the crystals.
The beads now seemed cheap.

The crystals enticed.
Then in the display, diamonds.
It went beyond love.

How could I forget?
In your absence I believed
that less was enough.

Monday, February 9, 2009


I imagine the scent in that crease
where your collar meets your bone meets
your throat-- a swelling spice that disregards
your luminous beauty.
I revel in it on me, around me
within me, as my mouth blossoms to
the hollow where shell meets knob meets
smooth, fair column and cool, quivering sinew;
flesh. My tongue unfurls into the fine curve in praise
of your comeliness-- to dip into the essence
of almonds and verbena and crisp ocean-blue linen
the exact hue of your eyes that meet my eyes
as we welcome and spend our body's fury.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Con Canela

the last thought
to caress
at my mind
before I surrender to
the embrace of slumber.

I don't wait
for you with longing
just a sort of
that's bred by your
sudden, easy
familiarity. You can
become addicting, but I'd like
to insist you're not.

I think
I might simply find
rare comfort in your
eye-pleasing visage.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Fertile Territory

Press a kiss onto my hollow
so that I can feel the sure print
of your desire, maybe it will
split in half
spawn and multiply

dull the reflex to flee

increase from
sharp lust to steady passion
that longs
to reach out thick tendrils
that attach and bury into
my inviting core